Friday 31 July 2015


Sometimes You Don't Realize

Sometimes you don't realize
the weight of something
you've been carrying until you feel
the weight of its release.

A Relaxing Peaceful Evening

A relaxing peaceful evening at home
is one of life's greatest pleasures

There Are Times When We Understand

There are times when we understand and 
times when we simply have to trust that
some things happen for a reason.

Strong People Still Cry

Strong people still cry,
only they cry in silence,
wipe their tears and 
pick themselves back 
up ready to fight 
another day.

The Nicest People Always

The nicest people always
get treated like shit!

People Who Don't Know

People who don't know 
me think i'm quiet,
People that do know me,
wish i was.

She is My Best Friend

She is my best friend
She laughs, i laugh.
She cries, i cry.
She falls down the stairs?
I laugh. Then i fall cause
i'm laughing even louder.

Everyday May Not Be Good

Everyday may not be good...
but there's something good
in every day'

In A World Of Chaos Embrace

In a world of chaos embrace
peace only then can harmony tip
the scales to perfect balance.

Women Have All The Answers

Women have all the answers,
to all of your question,and
you don't even have to ask.

Just Invented

Just invented the 
vaccine for stupidity 
Bend Over!

There Are Two Ways

There are two ways
to argue with a woman
and neither works.

It's Friday

It's friday'''
sorry...just practicing
for tomorrow

Did You Know That if You Light

Did you know that if you light
a candle under the moonlight
and say 3 time the name of
the person you love, you will
look really stupid doing that.

A Winner is A dreamer Who Never Quits

A winner is a dreamer 
who never quits.

Don't Push Away The People

Don't push away the people 
Who truly care about you,
because one day,
They won't come back.

People Are So Ungrateful

People are so ungrateful.
No one ever thanks me for
having the patience not
to kill them .

Multi Slacking

Multi slacking'
Doing two or more
useless activities 
instead of working.

Sometimes I Feel Sad For

Sometimes i feel sad for
no reason...
But then i take a minute 
Remember a few reasons.

Thursday 30 July 2015


Sending You Smiles

Sending you Smiles
Hope your Morning 
is Wonderful.


You mean bitch chilling?

Not To Post Them On Facebook

What if told you, we all
have problems,
some of us just choose
not to post them on

We Love Fiction

We Love Fiction

Put On My Workout Clothes

Put on my workout clothes
before going to the donuts 
store just to give the 
impression i earned this. 

Greatest Thing A Father

The greatest thing a father
can do for his daughter
is to love her mother.

I'm So Old I Remember

I'm so old i remember
when Polaroids were the
fastest way to get the 

Put a Smile

Put a Smile on
your dial

Instead Of Inviting Me

Instead of inviting me for
game requests
How about inviting me to a
place like this.

Wednesday 29 July 2015


Added Your Name

Added your name to my contact list. 
I named you "Do not Answer" 

Housekeeping Tip

Housekeeping tip
Always keep several "get well" cards on the coffee table.
That way, if unexpected guests arrive,
they'll think you've been sick and unable to clean. 

Rarely A Good Thing

Chances are if it pops into my mind, it's sure as hell going to come out of my mouth. 
This I can tell you is rarely a good thing and often gets me into trouble. 

Family Has Really Been Stressing Me Out

The LEE family has really been stressing me out! 
Perhaps you know them? Emotional, Mental. 
Physical and Lets not forget, Financial Lee.

When I Get Old

When I get old, I'm not going to sit around knitting.
I'm going to be clicking my Life Alert button to see
how many hot firefighters show up! 

STRONG Because I Know My Weakness

I am STRONG because I know my Weakness. I am BEAUTIFUL because I am aware of my Flaws. I am FEARLESS because I learn to recognize, illusion from Real. I am WISE because I learn from my Mistakes. I am a LOVER because I have felt Hate and I can LAUGH because I have known Sadness.
I can love because I’ve know loss.I am a strong women who has weathered the strom but still love to dance in the rain!!1

Don't Really Care About You

Your life will get better when you realize it’s better
 to be alone than chase
 people who don’t really care about you.

Monday 27 July 2015


Nobody Can Go Back

Nobody can go back and
start a new beginning,
but anyone can start
today and make a new

Close Friend Day

Today is the world's
"Close Friend Day"
Send this to your friends.
Even me-if i'm one of them.
See how many you get! i hope you
get a dozen!

Don't Judge Me

Don't judge me, you can, handle
half of what i've dealt with
their' s a reason I do the things I do,
there' s a reason I am who I am.

I Love My Brother

I Love My Brother
He is simply amazing
and i just couldn't imagine
my life without him
Share if you love your Brother.

Embrace Change

Embrace change and
move forward with
courage and love in
your heart. take your light
out into the world and shine for
all to see .

A Bend In Road

A bend in road
is not the end of the
road unless you fail
to make the turn.

Amazing You Are

Surround yourself
with people that know how 
amazing you are and 
will remind you on the
days when you might forget.

Sometimes You Just

Sometimes you just
need to look past the 
mist to be able to 
see dearly.


Have a fun Sunday

Just Send Coffee

Can't  get out of bed.
send help or send coffee
just send coffee.

Better To Have

Better to have an 
enemy who slaps your 
face, than a friend
who stabs you in th back.

Friendship Is Not Who You

Friendship is not who you 
know the longest,
it's about who came,
stayed by your when
someone the most.

My Daughter

My daughter!
I look at you and i do not see the passage of time.
I see my little girl playing dress up,
running through the yard,
playing on a swing. I will try and respect
the fact that you are older now and that the
decisions you will make are your own,
but you must understand that to me,
you will always be my little girl.
I may not be able to carry
you in my arms anymore,
bit i will always carry you in my heart.

I Do Smile A Little When

Why yes,
I do smile a little when
karma pays a visit to
someone who so desperately
deserves it.

I Like About People

You Know what 
i like about 
their dog...

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